News Details

16 August, 2023

Rahmania Mall in Sharjah is preparing to host its first free summer camp


With the aim of enhancing artistic and aesthetic taste, providing opportunities for enjoyable times with a range of specialized activities during the summer holiday, and in line with its role in implementing social responsibility programs, Rahmania Mall in Sharjah, managed by Sharjah Retail Group, is preparing to host the first free-entry summer camp for children and adults. The camp, which will run for three weeks, from July 26th to August 15th, will be held at the mall’s main atrium entrance, Entrance B.


Workshop programs will be executed by specialized teams in collaboration with ” Sajaya young ladies of Sharjah,” “IGrow,” “FabyLand,” and “Canvas Café.” The workshops offered revolve around artistic, cultural, informative, and environmental topics, in an educational-entertainment format, in addition to various other skills and topics.




A comprehensive program that enriches the knowledge and creativity of participants and satisfies their ongoing thirst for learning

Abdullah Al Huraimel, General Manager of Sharjah Retail Group, said, “Children and teenagers constitute an important segment of society, and no doubt their care and attention to their interests sheds light on the sophistication and progress of societies and nations. Striving to create a rich and exciting entertainment platform, we organize the summer camp program for free to develop their talents, achieve their ambitions, and provide them with more experiences and skills through participating in the program, which offers workshops in different fields that will enrich the participants’ knowledge and creativity, besides utilizing their free time during the summer vacation by joining activities and programs that satisfy their constant desire to learn.”


Enriching collection of workshops, entertainment activities and storytelling for children.

Additionally, the “IGrow” will conduct a series of workshops targeted firstly at children and secondly teenagers and adults. These mentioned workshops will take place from July 29 to August 13. Children’s workshops include soap making, ceramics, acrylic painting, Terrariums, and more. Teenagers’ and adults’ workshops include embroidering, candle making, Jesmonite making, flower basket creation, and more.


“FabyLand’s” workshop program will be held on July 28 and August 4, including storytelling for kids and various educational entertainment activities. Canvas Café workshops will also be held in three periods from July 31 to August 1, August 7-8, and August 14-15, and include a drawing skills learning experience while enjoying a cup of coffee.


Visitor attraction, shopping, and entertainment space

Rahmania Mall opened in March 2021, and it represents one of the main community shopping and leisure destinations for the residents of Al Rahmaniya suburb and its neighboring areas.  It provides services to visitors and shoppers over an area of more than 58 thousand sqm and is 10 minutes from Sharjah International Airport.