News Details

30 May, 2022

Rahmania Mall records significant success in sustainability goals, reducing its carbon footprint and recycling over 187T of waste

Rahmania Mall, a one-stop community shopping and leisure destination in Sharjah has been moving forward with its sustainability goals, recording significant achievements since its opening in March 2021. The mall has successfully reduced its carbon footprint, with its state-of-the-art food digester, to 63.57 T and recycled over 187 T of waste by effectively implementing its waste management policy, in line with its commitment to Sharjah’s and the UAE’s long-term sustainability goals.

Rahmania Mall’s sustainability journey is on an upward curve, promoting sustainable practices for the Sharjah business community by establishing new standards in the field of operational sustainability and its compliance with environmental safety standards. According to data, the Mall WUI (Water Use Intensity) was 205.38 Litre/Sqm per year, which is a significant accomplishment compared to the lowest recorded performance of 658 Litre/Sqm per year, and is rated as a good performer in terms of electrical consumption, as determined by Green Building Council (GBC). All sustainability initiatives are spearheaded by the Government of Sharjah and are under the directions of the Sharjah Coop Board, as a result of which, Rahmania Mall has further planned for the addition of possible automation to the building aiming for better environmental performance, as part of its Energy Management policy.

The mall’s commitment to implementing the highest standards of green and environmental practices align with the UAE’s and Sharjah’s vision for a clean future, and the UAE Green Agenda 2015-2030, which has made significant efforts to drive and promote sustainability in the region. Other notable sustainability initiatives also include the use of terracotta tiles for the building’s façade, which is a natural stone that reduces overall energy consumption in the structure, the use of LED and solar-powered lights in parking lots, and eco-friendly and PH neutral cleaning chemicals, among others.

Abdullah Al Huraimel, Executive Director of New Enterprises at Sharjah Cooperative Society, said: “Since the mall’s inception in March 2021, we have successfully implemented several environment-friendly features and recycling programs to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainable living in the community of Sharjah. The mall continues to implement sustainable business practices, in line with its vision for 2022 and has also conducted a feasibility study for the photovoltaic system, which is being studied by the authority, while also strengthening safety and security policies.”

“In support of the UAE Green Agenda 2015-2030, which has been dedicating significant resources towards driving sustainability in the region, we reiterate our commitment to promote and develop sustainable living in the Emirate of Sharjah,” he added.

Rahmania Mall is one of the many torchbearers in the UAE, promising Sharjah and the UAE a sustainable future by implementing effective and sustainable business practices, while constantly seeking new and improved ways to build a clean future.